The Nature of Your Superorganism: From Shared Purpose to Collective Intelligence
Your TEEMING Transformation is a series of workshops accompanying my forthcoming workbook for evolutionary design, offering guided considerations for entrepreneurs, leaders, and agents of change who want to grow their unique capacity for effecting transformation the way life always has.
Previous sessions introduced evolutionary design and human superorganisms, and aimed to focus participants’ unique and irreplaceable role and aspirations within their systems.
How do superorganisms like us work from one generation to the next, adapting and thriving on change? Five simple patterns allow hundreds of thousands––even millions––of diverse and independent individuals to work together around shared purpose as a team of teams, to sense and respond to real-time conditions on the frontlines without central management of any kind.
But such collective intelligence requires careful cultivation.
Clarify your purpose and consider how you might put collective intelligence to work around it. Highly participatory, with guided provocations and discussion, journaling, and confidential conversation in breakout groups. Although this is a series, you may join us at any time – no need to attend them in order.